Snowboarding Essentials: What You Need To Pack



Understanding what to wear for snowboarding is essential to fully enjoy your time on the slopes. Here’s a detailed guide to help you get prepared.


Snowboarding Packing Essentials

In addition to your snowboard and bindings, there are several key items you need for a successful day on the mountain:

Boots: Opt for warm, waterproof snowboard boots with a soft inner liner and a durable outer shell to keep snow out and provide excellent control over your board.

Outerwear: Invest in waterproof and insulated pants and a jacket to protect you from the elements.

Layers: Wear a base layer and a mid-layer under your outerwear to keep warm and retain body heat.

Gloves: Choose snowboard-specific gloves to keep your hands warm and dry while allowing you to easily adjust your bindings.

Goggles: Snow goggles protect your eyes from wind, snow, and sun, and provide broad peripheral vision.

Helmet & Wrist Guards: A snow-specific helmet will protect your head and keep your ears warm. Wrist guards are essential for beginners to protect your wrists and hands while learning.


For first-time snowboarders, renting gear such as a snowboard, boots, and bindings is a budget-friendly way to start. Head to a rental store for essentials like a snowboard, boots, bindings, and a helmet, or consider borrowing gear from friends or family. Beginners should also wear protective gear, including wrist guards and knee and elbow pads, to minimize injuries and build confidence.

As your skills and enthusiasm for snowboarding grow, you’ll likely want to invest in your own snowboard, boots, bindings, and outerwear. Don’t forget to read our expert guide on selecting the perfect snowboard jacket and pants.


 Mastering Snowboarding Layering


Finding the right balance of layers to stay warm and comfortable while snowboarding involves some trial and error. Snowboarding is an active sport with periods of intense activity and rest (such as on the chairlift), often in varying weather conditions. A good layering system is key to maintaining a comfortable body temperature and is often a matter of personal preference and experience. To stay comfortable, it’s crucial to keep your skin dry with a moisture-wicking base layer and to adjust your mid-layers based on the outside temperature. Here are some basic tips for effective layering:  


Base Layer:

Choose a stretchy, snug-fitting top and bottom to maximize movement without bulk. Look for technical fabrics like polyester or merino wool, which are warm, fast-drying, and wick away moisture. Base layers are also known as thermals or skivvies.



Add one or more mid-layers between your base layer and outerwear for extra insulation, which can be removed if you get too hot. Mid-layers can include hoodies, fleeces, or puffer jackets. Opt for synthetic fabrics or wool, which retain heat without holding odors, unlike cotton, which absorbs moisture and stays wet under your outerwear.

SHOP MENS LAYERS                              SHOP WOMENS LAYERS



What Other Essentials Do You Need for Snowboarding?



A reliable pair of snowboarding socks is nearly as essential as quality snowboard boots. Crafted from a blend of nylon, acrylic, and merino wool, snowboard socks boast quick-drying properties, moisture-wicking abilities, and warmth retention. It's crucial to ensure proper fit and pull them up sufficiently high. Bunched-up socks can lead to uncomfortable pressure points inside your snowboard boots, causing immediate discomfort. Additionally, wearing two pairs of socks can induce sweating, leading to colder feet. Seek socks with ergonomic designs for support and compression, along with shin and heel padding for enhanced boot comfort. If your boots are slightly oversized or you're using rental boots, thick socks can help fill the space, improving comfort.



Even if you opt for a helmet while riding, beanies serve as indispensable accessories for keeping your head warm during après-ski activities and concealing helmet hair after a rigorous day on the slopes. Beanies, typically knitted from acrylic or wool, come in assorted styles, colours, and fits. For superior warmth, consider a fleece beanie available in varying thicknesses.